Bio-inspired 3D printed face masks

Project-based on designing 3D printed face masks and filters using a new approach. I worked on this project over the 2020 summer under the supervision of Prof. Sunghwan Jung at Cornell University.
Team members: Anuj Baskota, Ben Cooke, Karl Frohlich, Dan Morton, Jisoo Yuk, and Prof. Jung.


During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, using respirators is one of the preventive measures to avoid contamination from the deadly virus. Most of these effective face masks rely on very fine filter materials which can be expensive. Similarly, due to the high demand, the shortage of these respirators in medical facilities, pharmacies, as well as to the general public is a great concern. Here, we are adopting a unique approach inspired by the complex nasal anatomy of animals to design 3D printable filters. The mask also consists of features that reduce air gaps with the nose and the chin whereas, the filter includes tortuous or bifurcating pathways to capture particles. This concept of focusing on the airflow to trap the particles can be a new approach to develop highly efficient air filters along with the material used. All the designs of the face mask and the filters are made available to the public free-of-cost which would help people with technology to print and use the mask during a global crisis.

You can check out the full report here:


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